Terms of references for selecting a national expert to provide support to an international trainer in preparing and conducting a Training of Trainers on Gender Auditing and Gender Action Plans based on gender audit guidelines

Organization:Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova (FES) and AO “Institutum Virtutes Civilis” (IVC)
Sector:Civil society development
Term Duration: 3 working days 
Implementation period:February – March 2022
Consultancy Type:National Consultancy
Location:Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
Required Language(s):English and Romanian
Closing Date:26/01/2022 at 6:00 pm EET

About the project

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova and AO “Institutum Virtutes Civilis” hereby invite interested candidates to submit a proposal for providing support to an international trainer in preparing and conducting a Training of Trainers on Gender Auditing and development of Gender Action Plans, based on gender audit guidelines.

Objectives of the assignment

The objective is to contribute to the creation of a team of national trainers that will be able to further develop the capacities of decision makers and the civil society organisations in carrying out gender audits in public institutions and developing gender action plans at local level.

The national expert will work together with an international trainer to prepare and conduct a 3-day Training of Trainers activity on gender audits (GAs) and drafting gender action plans (GAPs), based on the GA guidelines that will be developed by the international expert. The target audience for the ToT are decision makers (DMs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from the Republic of Moldova.

Requirements for the national expert:

  1. Relevant education – university studies in the socio sciences field (master degree in the field will constitute and advantage);
  2. At least 5 years of experience in working on gender equality issues: conducting and/or taking part in activities (programs, projects) on gender issues (mainstreaming in public policy documents, conducting trainings on gender equality and gender related issues, policy analysis from a gender perspective, monitoring and evaluation of national and local policies from gender mainstreaming perspective, contributions to studies, analyses, briefing notes on gender issues in the Republic of Moldova etc.;
  3. Excellent English-speaking skills;
  4. Demonstrated knowledge on gender-based analysis (integrating the gender perspective in planning, decision making and development of actions, programs and interventions); 
  5. Demonstrated experience in conducting and/or facilitating ToTs on various gender related topics;
  6. Experience in working with central and/or local public administration institutions from Moldova on gender issues and/or other relevant issues related to the task.

Application procedure

Interested candidates should send the documents listed in the attached Terms of References to the e-mail address fes@fes-moldova.org, by January 26th, 2022 (6:00 pm EET), with the subject line: “GA ToT application. National expert.”. Only complete applications will be considered. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be invited for the interview.

For additional details, please see the Terms of References.


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