Media invitation – Chisinau Sub-regional Consultations of the civil society from the Eastern Partnership Countries and Romania for gender equality promotion

Over 80 women and men from 7 countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine – meet in Chisinau at the sub-regional Consultations “Beijing + 25” to discuss common goals, accomplishments and measures that are in need to be taken in each country to ensure gender equality and women’s participation.

The event is unfolded in Chisinau due to 25 years of adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Action Platform on Strengthening Women’s Rights.

When: September 4 – 5, 2019, starting at 9 am

Where: Chisinau, Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel, Mitropolit Varlaam street, no 77

Organizers: Association „Institutum Virtutes Civilis” in partnership with UN Women in Moldova and Hanns Seidel Foundation.

Background info: The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted in 1995, at the Fourth World Women’s Conference, are considered one of the most-watched developmental pathways for women and girls worldwide. At that time, 189 countries of the world, including the Republic of Moldova, committed to combat gender stereotypes and to ensure equality between men and women.

Event page on FB:

Find more info about reaching 25 years of support and promotion of women’s rights at:


Termen extins: cerere de ofertă pentru selectarea unei companii de asistență logistică în organizarea unui eveniment în aer liber

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