Job Announcement: Training Component Coordinator for the “Partnerships 4 Women Leadership and Good Governance” Project

Location: Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 05 April 2021
Starting date: 01 June 2021
Expected Duration of Assignment: 30 months, full time position


“Partnerships 4 Women Leadership and Good Governance” Project is an EU/FES funded project implemented by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in partnership with the AO “Institutum Virtutes Civilis” (IVC). The overall goal of the the Project is to contribute to strengthening the Moldovan civil society in order to engage in enhancing governance and shaping the life of their communities.

With a view to attaining the overall goal, the project aims at:

  • empowering and building the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Community-based organisations (CBOs) and Local Action Groups (LAGs) to influence policymaking at the local and national levels through the development and monitoring of public policies; the promotion of participatory budgeting, administrative transparency, including in public procurement; and, the promotion of gender-sensitive public policies;
  • building the capacity of Decision Makers (DMs) of all levels to develop and apply policies, including gender-sensitive ones, as well as to cooperate successfully with the CSOs, CBOs, LAGs in the participatory policymaking.
  • enhancing the capacity of women and girls in participating in the decision-making processes at all levels, by empowering and encouraging them to have a more active role in decision-making processes.
  • enhancing public awareness on women’s role in good governance and the importance of ensuring equal opportunities for their social, economic and political participation.

The project activities will include capacity building (workshops, trainings, conferences, roundtables, subgrants & mentorship, alumni networking platforms) for women, relevant CSOs & DMs, public policy development and monitoring, advocacy and participatory decision-making and awarenessraising on women’s role in good governance and importance of ensuring equal opportunities for social, economic and political participation.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Pro-actively contribute to day-to-day project implementation and ensure conformity with the Project action plans and expected results
  • Arrange project activities (also virtual): meetings, round tables, trainings, conferences etc
  • Develop training curricula for building the capacity of CSOs, CBOs and LAGs to influence policymaking at the local and national levels through the development and monitoring of public policies
  • Develop training curricula for building the capacity of DMs of all levels to develop and apply policies, including gender-sensitive ones, as well as to cooperate successfully with the civil society in the participatory policy-making
  • Develop training programmes for building the capacity of women and girls to actively participate in the decision-making processes at all levels
  • Coordinate the Guidelines for Gender Audits development
  • Organize public events to present the conclusions and recommendations of the Gender Audits
  • Develop TORs for the trainers’ selection process together with the project team
  • Identify and participate in the selection of trainers
  • Develop public calls for participants’ selection for the capacity building activities (CSOs, CBOs, LAGs, women, DMs)
  • Identify potential participants in the project training activities
  • Coordinate and organize all project capacity building activities
  • Contribute to the development of project reports
  • Contribute to the promotion of project activities


  • Has good knowledge and understanding of gender equality and development issues, as well as of the fundamental concepts of good governance and civil society
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in the area of civil society development, gender sensitive public policies and development
  • Experience of working for the non-governmental sector
  • Experience of working with state stakeholders at national and local level
  • Demonstrate comprehensive understanding and knowledge of capacity building programme development
  • Maintains a high level of accuracy in his/her work
  • Have effective interpersonal and negotiations skills, ability to coordinate complex and multi-stakeholder activities, and be able to think in a strategic manner with regard to complex and difficult tasks
  • Strong drafting, presentation and reporting skills.
  • Has effective interpersonal skills and ability to work as part of a team
  • Previous experience in development and implementation of capacity development programmes and/or in an EU-funded project in an advantage.


  • University degree in social sciences, public administration, gender equality, economics, law or related areas
  • Minimum 3-years of professional experience in the fields related to the project activities
  • Fluent in Romanian, English and Russian languages
  • Flexibility to work outside the normal working hours.


To apply for the job, interested individuals must submit the following documents/information:

  1. Cover letter explaining why the individual considers him/ herself as suitable for the position
  2. CV, including information about past experience in similar positions
  3. Letters of recommendation from previous workplaces, if available.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

A competitive salary goes with the position.

Please send your applications not later than April 5th to the following email address: . Subject: Application for Training Component Coordinator for the “Partnerships 4 Women Leadership and Good Governance” Project

IVC reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with IVC at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

Only preselected candidates will be contacted.


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