“Gender equality is about development, wealth and future”- Liliana Palihovici – Sub-regional consultations Beijing + 25 in Chisinau

“I am honoured to the fact that “Institutum Virtutes Civiles” in partnership with UN Women in Moldova and Hanns Seidel Foundation organize the Sub-Regionals Consultations Beijing +25, to discuss and identify the actions of civil society for the improvement of public policies in the area of gender equality. Hope, the solutions that will be identified to impact positively, not only in the participant countries to consultations, but the whole region and world.”

Living in an era that brings challenges in the assurance of gender equality and all these challenges can be overcome by the political will of the governments and by lasting partnerships between public authorities, civil society and international institutions.

We all want to live in a democratic society in which both women and men enjoy equal opportunities and chances for affirmation and participation in social, economic and political life.

25 years ago, in Beijing, by signing the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, UN member states, including the Republic of Moldova has made a commitment to help reduce poverty among women, to stop any form of violence against girls and women, to increase their chances of gaining access to educational and health services, to have access to financial resources for the development of their own businesses and to be fully involved, together with men in political life and decision-making processes etc.

During the period of 4-5th of September 2019, within the sub-regional Consultations, together with representatives of over 80 organizations of civil society from seven countries, we will discuss how the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus and Armenia have succeeded in fulfilling these commitments and what strategies should be implemented for the next years to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

Gender equality is not about women, it is about democracy, about the circumstances of growth and development of girls and boys and it is about the future we build together. Gender equality is about how we understand it, how we develop public policies, about democracy and peace, about tolerance and diversity, about development and well-being, ABOUT FUTURE!

I am honoured to the fact that “Institutum Virtutes Civiles” in partnership with UN Women in Moldova and Hanns Seidel Foundation organize the Sub-Regionals Consultations Beijing +25, in order to discuss and identify the actions of civil society for the improvement of public policies in gender equality assurance. Hope, the solutions that will be identified to impact positively, not only in the participant countries to consultations, but the whole region and world.

Liliana Palihovici, the President of the Association “Institutum Virtutes Civiles”, Republic of Moldova


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