Call for applications: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova and AO “Institutum Virtutes Civilis” hereby invite a qualified team on national experts/ company/ educational institution to submit their applications for completing the task to develop guidelines for decision makers and civil society organisations in Moldova for conducting gender audits and drafting gender action plans and conduct a Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender Audit and Gender Action Plans

Additional details:

Organizations:Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova and Institutum Virtutes Civilis
Sector:Civil society development
Term Duration: up to 12 working days 
Implementation period:April – June 2022
Consultancy Type:National consultancy
Location:Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
Required Language(s):Romanian and English
Closing Date:25/04/2022 at 6:00 pm EET


The “Partnerships 4 Women Leadership and Good Governance” project was launched in April 2021. The project is implemented by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova and “Institutum Virtutes Civilis”, with the financial support of the European Union and FES and will run through April 2021 to April 2024. The project has the following outcomes:

  1. Improved capacity of CSOs, CBOs and LAGs to influence policy making at the local and national levels;
  2. Enhanced capacity of women for participation in the decision-making processes at all levels;
  3. Enhanced public awareness of the role of women in good governance and sustainable development.

The desired impact is to achieve strong civil society actors that enhance governance at the national and local level and shape the life of their communities.


The activity has two main objectives:

  1. Develop guidelines that will be used by decision makers and the civil society organizations in carrying out gender audits and drafting gender action plans;
  2. To create a team of national trainers (the participants in the 3-day ToT), who will be able to further develop the capacities of decision makers and the civil society organisations, as specialised trainers, on topics like carrying out gender audits in public institutions and drafting gender action plans at local level.

The main expected outcomes:

  1. A guideline for decision makers and civil society organizations for conducting Gender Audits and drafting Gender Action Plans developed and tested during the ToT;
  2. Training agenda for the 3-day training on conducting Gender Audits and development of the Gender Action Plans;
  3. Training materials developed and distributed to ToT participants;
  4. A 3-day Training of Trainers on Gender Audit and Gender Action Plans conducted;
  5. 27 participants selected by the Project trained;
  6. Increased capacity of 27 participants from DMs and CSOs on conducting Gender Audits and drafting Gender Action Plans.

Required Skills and Experience:

Team of national experts/ company/ educational institution:

  1. Experience in conducting gender mainstreaming activities or similar activities strongly related to the proposed task – conducting gender audits at policy and institutional level, analysis of public policies, mainstreaming gender in public policies, evaluation of gender action plans, drafting guidelines in any of the above-mentioned topics etc.; (CVs of experts/ profile of company, institution)
  2. Relevant education/ experience:
  3. For experts: Master degree or PhD in social and humanitarian sciences (ex. Sociology, Public Administration and Management, Education Sciences and Social Assistance, Anthropology, Economic Sciences, Political Science, Gender, etc.) (CVs of experts)
  4. For company/ educational institution: Demonstrated experience in the socio-economic field (analysis, studies, policy briefs, drafting curricula, development of action plans etc.)
  5. In-depth knowledge on mechanisms related to public policies development and mainstreaming gender in public policy documents; (CVs of experts/ profile of company, institution)
  6. Demonstrated experience in conducting ToTs on various gender related topics (previously conducted ToTs in gender audits will be considered an advantage).

Application procedure

Interested experts should send the documents listed below to the e-mail address, by April 25th, 2022 (6:00 pm EET), with the subject line: “GA ToT application”. Only complete applications will be considered. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be invited for the interview.

Applications will include:

  • Personal CV (for experts)/ company profile (for companies and educational institutions) (max. 3 pages, please include the contact phone and/or Skype ID for a possible interview), including a list of publications on relevant topics (if any). The CV/ profile should include the contact details (e-mail addresses) of at least 2 references;
  • Technical offer:
  • the draft outline of the guidelines
  • preliminary concept note of the 3-day ToT: proposed preliminary agenda (main topics) and a short description of the proposed methods that will be applied during the training;
  • Financial Offer: estimated number of days to complete the task, daily rate (gross) in EURO (experts)/ VAT 0 financial offer (company, education institution).

The contract will be awarded to the most experienced applicant(s) that will present the best proposal, both from the perspective of the technical as well as the financial offer.

For any additional questions please contact us via e-mail The deadline for questions is April 20th, 2022 (6:00 pm EET). In order to ensure equal treatment and equal chances for all the potential candidates, FES will answer all the questions by April 21st, 2022.

To view additional details on the task, requirements, selection and evaluation criteria, please access the Terms of References.


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