Job Announcement: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline:22 of January, 2023
Starting date:01.02.2023
Expected Duration of Assignment:Up to 15 months, full-time/part-time


AO “Institutum Virtutes Civilis”hires a monitoring and evaluation officer who will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of activities in the “Partnerships 4 Women Leadership and Good Governance” Project, and in the “Civil society acting for better social services” Project.

The “Partnerships 4 Women Leadership and Good Governance” Project is implemented in partnership with FES and the “Civil society acting for better social services” is implemented in partnership with Soros Foundation-Moldova and Keystone Moldova.  Both projects are implemented with the financial support of the European Union.

The projects’ activities include capacity building (workshops, trainings, conferences, roundtables, subgrants & mentorship, alumni networking platforms) for relevant CSOs & DMs, public policy development and monitoring, advocacy events,  and participatory decision-making and awarenessraising on women’s role in good governance and importance of ensuring equal opportunities for social, economic and political participation, monitoring the implementation of the financial sustainability plan of the sub-granted CSOs, development of the costing methodology for social services,  etc.  

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Pro-actively contribute to day-to-day project implementation and ensure conformity to expected results and project work-plans.
  • Develop and up-date constantly the monitoring and evaluation framework and action plan in consultation with the Project management team;
  • Development and implementation of tools necessary for monitoring and evaluation activities and arrangement of monitoring activities for all project activities (also virtual).
  • Collect M&E data on the indicators set up in the Project and provide regular updates to the Project management team to facilitate continuous improvement;
  • Plan meetings for M&E data analysis and corrective actions;
  • Develop ToR for conducting external evaluation of the Project and identification of the experts;
  • Undertake and/or supervise baselines surveys to obtain data to evaluate the Action outcomes and impacts;
  • Lead monitoring visits and consultations on the review of Project progress on a periodic basis and encourage stakeholders’ involvement at all stages;
  • Prepare best practices and lessons learned;
  • Ensuring regular checking and verification of all collected data for completeness, consistency, accuracy, currency, and other data quality dimensions before compiling the Annual Report.
  • Compile quarterly, yearly progress and final M&E reports; coordinate and assist the Acton external evaluation process etc.
  • contributing to the project activities promotion


  • Has good knowledge and understands advanced aspects of gender equality and development, as well as the fundamental concepts of good governance and civil society, social services;
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of civil society development, gender sensitive public policies and development of the social services;
  • At least two years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, with special experience in complex and multi-component programs in national and international organizations.
  • At least one year of practical experience in monitoring and evaluation within an international assistance project / program that involved the participation of public authorities from the Republic of Moldova.
  • Experience in data quality analysis, data aggregation, data analysis and analytical reporting.
  • Practical knowledge of M&E policies within international organizations or international funding institutions.
  • Practical experience in developing M&E plans and M&E indicators.
  • Experience of working for the non-governmental sector
  • Experience in working with state stakeholders at national and local level
  • Maintains a high level of accuracy in his/her work
  • Has effective interpersonal and negotiations skills and ability to solve complex issues;
  • Strong drafting, presentation and reporting skills.
  • Has effective interpersonal skills and ability to work as part of a team


  • University degree in social sciences, public administration, gender equality, economics, law, statistics or other related fields;
  • M&E-related professional training courses provided by international organizations will be an advantage;
  • Professional communication skills (written and oral) in English, Romanian and Russian
  • Flexibility to work outside the normal working hours.


To apply for the job, interested individuals must submit the following documents/information:

  1. Cover letter explaining why the individual considers him/ herself as suitable for the position
  2. CV, including information about past experience in similar positions
  3. Two references from previous workplaces.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

A competitive salary goes with the position.

Please send your applications not later than January 22, to the following email address: . Subject: Application for Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

IVC reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with IVC at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

IVC offers the possibility for the selected candidate to be employed full-time or part-time. This topic will be discussed with the preselected candidates during the interview. The candidates should mention in his/her cover letter the preferable option (full-time or part-time employment).

Only preselected candidates will be contacted.


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